My Story
Despite any hardship that I faced, I realized that a life in the suburbs was not for me. I knew from living and studying in the suburbs that I did not want to end up in gang crimes or become a teenage mother, as was the case with most of my classmates. I knew better, I wanted to make a change for society, having seen how bad it can get for some by growing up in the wrong environment. The only way out was by mastering the rules and empowering others. During the summer of 2008, I decided to shed the 30 kilos as it made me feel like I was stuck in a fat suit. I knew I had no way but to move against the grain and focus my flickering mind towards something that serves a purpose, a higher goal, which could only be achieved by changing myself first. I went on to seek knowledge and aced the entrance exams at the International Baccalaureate in Malmö, a demanding world class high school, where it was rare to see people like myself with a foreign background. During this time I also started mentoring students at "save the children foundation" in Rosengård, being only 1 year older to them. In search of something greater, I moved to Scotland to become a lawyer and received a Bachelors degree in English common law. Since then I have received two master's degrees in International Law and lived and worked in Denmark, England, Spain, Netherlands, Colombia and Sweden. I yearn to help others to integrate, feel safe, secure and at peace in one of the most understanding and accepting society's in the world today, Sweden. I want to share my learnings, to the best of my ability of how to maneuver in a society which is so different than ones own, I've done it a dozen times, so can you!